HPT Chart Example #2 – This is Eddie H.
This is Sports Power Training
(Eddie is also testing CBN’s “Touchdown” a Football Sports Specific Nutrition Supplement)
This is Eddie, an average 16-year-old male who plays Defensive Linebacker and Tight End in Freehold NJ. Eddie has prior Football training and some experience working out by himself in the weight room. Despite this, he is unable to execute the skills he has been taught with flawless precision. Eddie’s parents are making an investment for his High School and hopefully Collegiate athletic future with Sports Power Training (SPT). In 4 short weeks, 12 total sessions, you can see the effect SPT has had on Eddie and how it has translated into his game at the end of the season.
This chart is an example of only 1 exercise out of 23 total that Eddie has performed in this past 4-week period. Each workout is specifically designed for the sport the individual is playing. In this case the workouts that Eddie does are designed specifically by Sports Power Training for developing Football Players – Eddie is also testing our Football Sports Specific Nutrition Pre-workout Supplement.
Looking at November 5th for this specific exercise (Smith Machine Romanian Deadlifts), Eddie’s Peak Velocity was 1.05 M/S with a Human Power output of 733 using a weight of 95 pounds. On November 12th, his Peak Velocity was 1.13 M/S with a Human Power output of 803 with a weight of 95 pounds. On November 19th his Peak Velocity and Human Power outputs with 115 pounds were 1.05 M/S and a Human Power output of 887.
For the final week of the 4-week period we started with a weight of 115 pounds for the set which yielded a peak velocity output of 1.1 M/S and a Human Power output of 977. We decided to increase the weight to 135 pounds for the next two sets, this resulted in a Peak Velocity of 1.05 M/S and a Human Power output of 1,012.
Within the span of 4 weeks, Eddie’s overall Peak Velocity remained about the same from the first week. However, his Human Power output increased by 38%! The reason for this is Eddie was able to maintain his velocity he started with, but still increasing the weight. Normally, as you increase the weight both of your speed and Human Power would decrease. However, Eddie was able to increase his speed, which resulted in us increasing the weight and increasing his Human Power output. Eddies starting weight was 95 pounds with a Peak Velocity of 1.05 M/S and a Human Power output of 733. During week 4, Eddie was able to increase the weight to 135 pounds and maintain his Peak Velocity of 1.05 M/S, thus resulting in a Human Power output of 1,012! Again, these numbers are only for 1 specific exercise out of the many that Eddie does.
Within the 4 weeks that Eddie has been training to improve his HP output and taking CBN’s Touchdown a Football Sports Specific Nutrition Supplement, he stood out more to his coaches and was able to play in more games towards the end of the season. Eddie went from not being able to shoot through the gap in the offensive line against his teammates in scrimmages, to being able to break through almost every time within the 4 weeks he was training.
This was showcased in one of Eddies last games of the season while playing linebacker. He was able to read the play and saw that the defensive linemen were going to have a gap and the opposing running back was going to shoot through and gain yards. Eddie was able to move in an instant because of his increases to his Human Power Output and tackle him down without the other team gaining any yards. This happened 2 more times throughout the game and Eddie was able to read it and react in the snap of a finger every time.
While this might seem like a routine play for most people in his position, the explosiveness and Human Power that Eddie was able to output in those split-second situations were not possible for him 4 weeks prior. This was possible because of the increases in his Human Power output in the Sports Power Training Football Exercises he has been performing. Again, within the span of 4 weeks, Eddies overall Human Power output increased by 38% and this translated into him making plays in pressure situations that were not possible before!
Sport-Specific Nutrition for Youth Athletes